Due to always broadening audience of Clewn related label/music projects, upload is now restricted to selected projects. To request a password please get in touch: date@clewn.org is the email address to be used to schedule an online text chat meeting between us, and explain your project's goals.
Add audio files to this server
Ajoutez vos fichiers audio sur ce serveur
They will be available for free download and streaming
What is this, shortly ?
En bref
Upload the same correctly taggued (artist name, album, and comment) file (same basename), in .mp3, .ogg and .flac format. Yes, you have to upload three different files per song
Uploadez trois fois le même fichier avec ses tags corrects (nom de l'artiste, album et commentaire), même nom de fichier, dans les formats ogg, flac et mp3
"Year" tag is also useful as it will be used to sort your albums if you use CreRo as a front-end. Make sure to set it to "2010", "2022", or whatever, and not "2010-07-14" as it used to be done in a very old-fashioned way by old old tagging software. Album from the same year will be sorted by current freshness of file (date of upload).
Any copyright information is usually indicated in the comment tag. Especially, you can indicate "All rights reserved", or, if you use a free or open license, the full http:// url of the license you chose. It's our convention.
What kind of files are welcome here ?
- Your files must be fully legal. This is not Clewn's job to teach you what is legal.
- Any content not fullfilling this requirement will be deleted.
What are samplerate and bandwidth recommended ?
- Bandwidth for ogg and mp3 : the lowest quality you can stand
- Bandwidth for flac : do what you want
- Samplerate for mp3 and ogg : 44100 Hz recommended. For flac, any value allowed
How do I delete content ? Can I delete my own content later ?
First question : contact me (click on the above 'home' link' and see bottom of the page) and tell me why you think something should be deleted. If I agree, I'll do so.
- Second question : the aim of Clewn is to constitute an archive to keep music available. Deletion is not permitted, to the extend permitted by the law. The french law that rules this service grants you a droit de repentir (repent right) which always give you the right to remove a creation of yours of public availability.
The audio file upload form :
Please select your audio (flac, ogg, mp3) file on your computer :