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Some of Clewn's recurrent donators:

Nostra pizza Dagneux


Bee Home - Infogérance Mail et Cloud pour associations, particuliers ou entreprises

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Proud non-commercial hosting of independent projects since 2012

Internet access by Clewn.org

Clewn sets up free internet access wifi hotspots called Openmesh.clewn.org in various locations. You can make a donation if you find this useful.


A tool for sharing pictures of poster informing people of local events.

Crem Road records

A music record label

Clewn Audio

A on-demand service for hosting audio files that can be used by websites using Crero like Crem Road or Monpauvrelieu.

Productions Monpauvrelieu

Another music record label

Wumzle Radio

This has been a webradio for lesser-known music. It was born in September 2008. In September 2022 it has retired, but has now a hobby, which is to serve for on-demand download some tracks that it used to feature and that are now hard or impossible to find anywhere on the web (with, always, authorisation from the musicians, who, in any case, never delegated their rights management to a collective right management society).

ZC Virtual Underground Art Gallery

The (in)famous collective of contemporary artists who created things like The Moellon Project or most of Pixel Art Obscur production
Clewn.org is brought to you by Nicolas "Shangri-l" Chartoire
contact: wumzleradio@clewn.org